Exclusive Stunning Features
Our integration on top media, publishers allows your brands to access highly qualitative traffic
Here are some of our top clients
Our top publishers from media insdutry drive quality traffic to your sites.
We aggregate thousands of merchants. We know how to optimize your conversion.
We buy highly qualitative trafic from global publisher like yahoo!, Klarna and drive this intent traffic to your site.
Meet our partners
We operate in ALL geo's on top clients of the shopping industry.
Brand Feed Aggregator
As brand feed specialists, we handle more than 200000 brands in our database. Keep on doing sales thanks to our search technology.
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Our techno is aggregating top brands from all over the world. Our optimization technology brings the most of your offers.
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Your budget is fully controled and you can even boost your performance by increasing comissions when you need it.
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Thanks to our strong expertise and context and intent driven approach, we are able to generate traffic through deep links for our retailers, offering incremental, qualitative clicks in all countries across the world.
Context & Intent Driven Technology
Retargeting and datas based ads are on decline with RGPD. Our publishers create great content so our depp link tehcno stick to it !
Learn MoreCPA model
You can pay for sales on several pricing models following you need.
Learn MoreContact US
Advertisers : advertiser@optimhub.com
Publishers : publisher@optimhub.com
General : contact@optimhub.com
SKYPE : juaddict